
VC99s Career Day and Aviation contest information

Our friends as the VC99s have asked us to communicate the following Career Day information and Aviation Contest to our members.  Click on this link to go directly to the 99s web site   www.vc99s.org   or visit the contest rules at www.facebook.com/vcaviationcareerday.

215 Career Day Flyer

2015 Career Day Flyer (6) (pdf version of the flyer)

Career Day Press Release Career Day Press Release (pdf file version of above)

Make Garbage Fly Rules

Make Garbage Fly Rules (pdf file version of rules)

Use the links below to download a Ms Word of PDF version of the registration form.

Participant Registration Fillable – Aviation Career Day (3) (MS Word format)

Participant Registration Fillable – Aviation Career Day _3_ Make Garbage Fly Rules (pdf format file)









2015-10-14T12:35:48-07:00September 22nd, 2015|Event|

Mentors-West Fly-In


This is one of the many activities that our wing members participate during the year. Many of the aircraft will be staged at our facility. Our museum will be open during the practice sessions.

Mentors West Fly-in & Veterans Salute
5-8 November, 2015


Following Thursday afternoon arrivals at the CAF SoCal ramp, Friday and Saturday flying will focus on 2/3/4 ship formation training, to include T-34, CJ and T-6 aircraft, culminating in a mass formation fly over of Santa Barbara on Sunday.  Briefings will be held for registered participants each morning at 7:30 a.m. in the annex and flight operations will occur from 8:30 a.m. until dusk on Friday and Saturday.  Sunday’s briefings will take place in the museum hangar as we expect many more aircraft and pilots.  We believe Sunday’s event will be one of the largest fly-overs for a Veterans Day parade anywhere in the United States.  Last year we had 20 aircraft, including a P-51, multiple T-34’s, Nanchang’s, Yaks, a B-25 and a C-47. This year it looks as though we may have up to 40 aircraft.  Please see http://kcma-mentor-gathering.webs.com for more details.

2015-11-20T10:13:37-07:00September 1st, 2015|Event|


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