we love getting stuff like this in the inbox and thought it appropriate to share on the website:

…some pictures of my daughter Cindy, her husband Steve and their PT-19 rides with CAF Col Fogel who provided an outstanding experience for them to enjoy, and I thank him on behalf of our entire group.  Obviously they enjoyed the experience, in fact its been almost a week, and they’re still grinnin’!…

Recently we had a visitor who came to us all the way from NJ for a ride aboard the PT19. Expecting the usual broad grin of excitement, specially on such a great day for a flight, we were a little puzzled by the slightly pensive mood Dave carried with him. It turned out, he was not a solo rider. Foremost on his mind were thoughts of his father, Lt. Jim Vollmayer a WWII B24 navigator with the 15th Air Force, Italy. We did our best to accommodate Dave’s request of replicating the look of Jim posing with his PT19 in 1943 for Dave. Small events like this are an incredibly power vehicle of putting us in touch with what our flying aircraft represent. Thanks for stopping by, Dave, and thanks for the chat about your family history which was a reminder of what we owe to your father’s generation: citizen soldiers who stepped up, did their bit and quietly went back to a civilian life, leaving the world a better place.