NEW CAF Headquarters + CAFSoCal Wing Membership (not renewal)

NEW CAF Headquarters + CAFSoCal Wing Membership (not renewal)

From: $50.00 for 1 year and a $225.00 sign-up fee

Please read this:

  • This purchase of membership is for the volunteer who has never been a member of the Commemorative Air Force before. 
  • This purchase is a combination membership purchase where you pay for the regular headquarters membership (becoming a CAF Colonel which is required) and your SoCal Wing membership, all in one purchase.  The regular annual Headquarters membership is $225.00 and the SoCal Wing membership is $50.00 = Total due now: $275.00.


Clear selection

Complete this form for Headquarters

How would you like us to address you?
Please type in your Full Legal Name (your nickname will be collected later)
Please list out your full mailing address so we can send you all of your Commemorative Air Force materials
Please provide your best phone number to reach you
If you have another phone number you'd like to provide, please put that here. This is NOT for an emergency contact.
Please provide the best email for us to contact you - if you don't have an email, just put "none"
Please list your profession and where you work, or if you are retired, consider listing where you did work
Please put as much of your Date of Birth as you are comfortable with
Please check appropriate button
Please provide your spouse's name
Please provide the CAF member name that was most helpful or encouraged you to join - we'd love to give them credit
Annual Colonel Membership includes a subscription to DISPATCH magazine(Required)
Members who reside outside of the USA will receive the digital version automatically. To pay an additional cost for a printed version, please contact HQ.

CAF SoCal Member Information

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New Commemorative Air Force annual membership (CAF Colonel), plus the CAF Southern California Wing annual membership (not renewal)



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