
The Engine Replacement is Complete!!!

After a great team effort and many, many late nights it has actually happened, the Bearcat motor swap is complete and the test runs went great!!! After a few orbits around Burbank with the Hellcat as a chase plane the Bearcat flew triumphantly back home to Camarillo just in time for the airshow as promised. What a great sound to hear her run again!!!

A HUGE thanks to all involved and there were many. Come hear the new engine run.

Steve and Gary Barber and Ken Kramer – Glad to see their baby running again, they were all involved in the original restoration.

Videos of Bearcats

Jason Somes flying the Bearcat in the 2010 Thermal Airshow
SoCal’s F8F Bearcat Engine Test Run
CAF SoCal’s F8F Bearcat Night Engine Test Run
CAF SoCal’s F8F Bearcat Night Engine Test Run
SoCal Wing’s F8F Bearcat First Takeoff after Engine Replacement
photo21-newLots of smiles from three happy Bearcat Pilots –
Jason Somes,Steve Barber Sr. and Ken Gottschall


The Grumman F8F Bearcat on the ramp at Midland Airshow 2009

August 20, 2009 – The first Engine Runs of the new Anderson Aeromotive Pratt Whitney 2800.

Bearcat Engine Replacement Update – July 10, 2009/,

Today the overhauled engine and Bearcat are now one! The engine installation went incredibly well thanks again to Don and Randy and their skilled forklift operations. Lots to do now installing components and finalizing the modification process.

Bearcat Engine Replacement Update – June 30, 2009

Well it was a big day at the Burbank Bearcat Bunker, the overhauled engine arrived and the old engine was removed from the airframe. A huge thanks to Don and Randy as they both did a masterful job in forklift operations, which made for a very smooth engine removal. Mike is still hard at work on the necessary modifications while John and Ken work on getting the new engine ready to install.

Bearcat Engine Replacement Update – June 22, 2009

2800 Run

The replacement engine is completed and has passed the test runs with flying colors. Delivery date for the engine to Burbank is June 30th. Mike, Ken, John and Matt are working hard at Burbank to ready the airframe for the overhauled engine.

Bearcat Engine Replacement Update – June 9, 2009

renoud and Ken Gottschall have been sneaking over to the hangar where the Bearcat is presently stored whenever they can to try to accomplish any work that can be done in advance of the engine arrival. The failed engine is being left on for now as it will be removed at the same time the overhauled engine is installed. All of the accessories have been removed and several have been sent out for overhaul. The next biggest project is relocation of some of the hydraulic and oil components within the accessory section. This is required as the overhauled engine will be a CB type of Pratt and Whitney 2800. The blower section on this model engine is longer necessitating moving the oil tank aft, which in turn requires relocation of components mounted to the firewall. Presently lots of planning and fabrication are underway, but for now it’s looking a little sparse in the Bearcat’s engine accessory compartment.

Bearcat Engine Replacement Update May 26, 2009

To date we have gathered enough funds to place an initial deposit for the new engine build and work has begun. We still need lots of help, so please contribute and watch the engine being built over the coming weeks. Contribute and know that YOU are the reason the Bearcat will be flying once again.

Some photos of Anderson Aeromotive in Grangeville, Idaho hard at work on our new engine. Many thanks to them for contributing where they can to lower the costs involved, and for the superior workmanship.

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